Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dark Shadows Episode 898 - 12/4/69

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Megan picks up some paperwork in the antique shop when one of the blinds flaps open. She goes to shut it and locks the door. She hears a picture fall and goes to put it back up. She hears something behind a door to another room, and after checking it slams it shut. She hears a door shut upstairs and picks up the phone to dial the apothecary down the street. She asks if her husband is still there, and they say he hasn't been there. She hangs up the phone and screams when she hears another sound. She watches as the front door handle turns. She asks who it is and what they want. Philip says it's him, and asks her to unlock the door. She does, and he rushes in and grabs her by the throat.

She gets away from him and he says she shouldn't have let the book get stolen, and punishment is necessary. He strangles her until he is interrupted by David, standing on the stairs holding the baby. He says punishment is no longer necessary. He adds that the baby is sick, and he has come to make it better. He comes downstairs with it, and hands it to Megan. He gives her some medicine the baby needs for his fever.

Philip starts to explain what he was doing, and David says he understands. Philip realizes he stole the book, and says he must bring it back. David says he is the keeper of the book, and the protector of the baby. Philip asks how he knows he's not lying, and Megan says she knows he's speaking the truth. She thanks David and takes the baby upstairs. David asks if Philip believes him, and he says he does.

Paul Stoddard arrives looking for Carolyn. David introduces himself to 'Mr. Prescott,' who recognizes him as David Collins. David offers to deliver a message to Carolyn. Paul gives him the message and asks him to promise not to give it to anyone else, and tell her he will be in his hotel room. He leaves, and David asks if Philip thought Mr. Prescott seemed frightened of something. Philip agrees. David tells him the baby will be better soon, and if they need his help, he'll come to them. He bids them goodnight and leaves.

Paul approaches the altar in the woods. He asks himself why he keeps coming back to it. He realizes that he has to find the answer.

Chris and Julia flip through the Collins family photo albums, searching for the woman who he saw. Julia points out Beth, but Chris says it wasn't her. He then picks out the woman, and Julia says it makes complete sense. It was Jenny Collins, who was married to Quentin. Julia says that Jenny is his great grandmother. Chris says that means he's a Collins. Julia explains how they had twins who were sent away. Julia asks why she would ask him to find Quentin, despite knowing that the curse started with Quentin. David comes in and Julia asks for his help. She says they're planning a seance, and she'd like him to participate. She says they're going to try and reach Quentin to help Chris. He agrees.

In his hotel room, Paul waits impatiently to hear from Carolyn. He suddenly seems possessed, and looks at the calendar on the wall. He picks up a pen and circles December 4th, 1969. He puts the pen down and asks what made him do that. He doesn't know what it means. He grabs his coat and leaves the room.

Megan comes downstairs and tells Philip the baby is better. She says she understands why he tried to punish her. He apologizes. She says it was her fault about the book being missing. They both say they're happy that it's safe with David. As he goes to close the shop, Paul comes in and says he hasn't heard from Carolyn. Philip says David left shortly after he did. Megan says that someone left an envelope for him. They hand it to him, and when he opens it, it's a note sating PAYMENT DUE - DECEMBER 4, 1969. He asks who left the message. Philip says it was a man, but he can't clearly describe him.

Julia begins a seance with David and Chris. She calls to Quentin. She asks for a sign. David leans back and says he is Jamison Collins. Julia asks why he has responded to her, when they sought Quentin's spirit. He says Quentin cannot hear her, because his spirit is gone. Julia asks why. He says Quentin's spirit will not come to her, but he can't tell her why. David collapses. Julia says he's alright, and gets up and turns on the light. She wakes David. He asks what happened, and she says nothing happened. She promises to tell him everything later. After he's gone, she tells Chris that it could mean that Quentin is still alive.

Back in his room, Paul wonders what the note meant. He senses someone outside the door. He gets up and before opening it, says it's just his imagination. He reaches for the handle, and sees a tattoo of the snakes from the altar on his wrist. He frantically tries to wipe it away.

Our thoughts

John: It's time to break out the seance tracker! I thought Philip's coming through the door and attacking Megan, while not exactly a surprise, was very well executed. He had a great possessed look on his face.

Christine: His entrance was delightfully shocking, though it was kind of funny that he set up the ruse about going to the drugstore, which allowed her time to be tormented by random noises. Who was responsible for the noises and pictures falling off the wall? The Leviathan baby?

John: Of course Megan thinks David is telling the truth, he just saved her from being throttled by her husband! Funny that she was basically cool with that later, and didn't ask who was behind her being punished.

Christine: I guess Megan isn't on board with the Women's Liberation Movement. Yesterday I was wondering why Jenny would save Chris. I forgot all about her being his great-grandma. I enjoyed the moment Chris realized he was a Collins family member. I wonder if that would have ended his relationship with Carolyn if he hadn't already ended it

John: Too bad that due to last week's preemption, the fact that the episode aired today makes Paul appear to find out that some form of payment is due today; when in fact he really learned about it in advance, and the payment was not yet due...

Christine: I think it still works, especially with the Naga symbol appearing on his wrist. Do you suppose this is the origin of Voldemort's Dark Mark?

Dark Shadows Before I Die Séance Tracker

Episode 170/171: Dr. Peter Guthrie conducts; Carolyn, Vicki, Roger, Laura Collins participate; Josette speaks through Vicki in French; held in the drawing room at Collinwood

Episode 186: Vicki conducts; Sam and David participate; David Radcliffe speaks through David; held in the drawing room at the Old House

Episode 280/281: Roger conducts; Liz, Vicki, Burke, Barnabas, Carolyn participate; Josette speaks through Vicki; held in the drawing room at the Old House

Episode 365: Roger conducts; Liz, Julia, Vicki, Carolyn, Barnabas participate; Sarah Collins speaks through Vicki after Carolyn pretends Sarah is speaking through her; Vicki is transferred to 1795; held in the drawing room at Collinwood

Episode 449: Countess duPrés conducts; Joshua Collins participates; Bathia Mapes shows up, claiming she was called; held in the drawing room at Collinwood in 1795

Episode 510/511: Professor Stokes conducts; Julia and Tony Peterson participate; Reverend Trask speaks through Tony Peterson; the basement wall breaks open to reveal his skeleton; held in the basement at the Old House

Episode 600: Professor Stokes conducts; Barnabas and Julia participate; Phillipe Cordier speaks through Barnabas; held in the drawing room at the Old House

Episode 640: David conducts; Amy participates; unsuccessful attempt to contact Quentin Collins; held in Amy's bedroom

Episode 642: Professor Stokes conducts; Liz, Vicki, Carolyn, Chris participate; Magda speaks through Carolyn; held in the drawing room at Collinwood

Episode 682: Professor Stokes conducts; Barnabas, Maggie, Mrs. Johnson participate; Janet Findley speaks through Mrs. Johnson; held in the drawing room at Collinwood

Episode 698: Professor Stokes conducts (assumed); Roger participates; unsuccessful attempt to contact Quentin Collins, whose laughter is heard; held at Collinwood offscreen

Episode 797: Barnabas conducts; Quentin and Magda participate; Julianka's ghost appears and curses Magda; held in the drawing room at the Old House in 1897

Episode 860: Charity, possessed by Pansy Faye, conducts; Edward Collins and Kitty Soames participate; a hooded figure appears (revealed as Judith in the following episode); held in the drawing room at Collinwood in 1897

Episode 898: Julia conducts; David and Chris Jennings participate; Jamison speaks through David and tells them that Quentin's spirit is gone and won't come to them; held in the drawing room at Collinwood in 1969

Collins Family Pictures

Chris: "Her hair was quite different, but that's the one."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Naga symbol with the four head serpent reminded me of something I seen before but never relate it to it and it popped in my head, the original Hellmouth creatures on Buffy, they were snake like and could have been part of something even more bigger, something like a octopus or squid with snake like tentacles that open up and devour. That's classic Lovecraft!