Maggie's Afghan

Stalwart viewers of Dark Shadows can't help but notice a colorful afghan that turns up in many rooms across several time periods all over the town of Collinsport during the series run. Since we first noticed this beautiful afghan draped across the couch at the Evans' cottage in Episode 297, we have often referred to it as Maggie's afghan, in recognition of its origin on the show.

It is up to the viewer to decide if there is some significance or common thread to the places where it shows up, and events surrounding its appearance, as well as whether or not it has magical properties, is a supernatural entity in itself, symbolic of some greater meaning, or just an item that was mass produced in Collinsport. Here is a collection of its appearances on the show to help you learn more about this fascinating piece of Collinsport history. 

First appearance in Episode 297


303: On the back of the couch at the Evans' cottage
308: Still on the back of the couch at the Evans' cottage

Episode 303

Episode 308


367: Covering Vicki in her room at Collinwood after arriving in 1795
383: On Jeremiah and Josette's newlywed bed at the Collinsport Inn
400: Vicki uses the afghan to try and put out Angelique's magick fire in her room

Episode 367

Episode 383

Episode 400


512: On the back of the couch at the Evans' cottage
513: On the back of the couch at the Evans' cottage
514: On the back of the couch at the Evans' cottage
529: On the back of the couch at Maggie's cottage
537: On the back of the couch at Maggie's cottage
541: On the back of the couch at Maggie's cottage
561: On Joe's bed at his bachelor pad
573: On the back of the couch at Maggie's cottage
577: Covering Elizabeth in her bed at Collinwood
592: Covering Carolyn as she temporarily dies on Josette's bed at the Old House
599: On the back of the couch at the Maggie's cottage
611: On the back of the couch at Maggie's cottage when Nicholas Blair asks Maggie to marry him

Episode 512

Episode 513

Episode 514

Episode 529

Episode 537

Episode 541

Episode 561

Episode 573

Episode 577

Episode 592

Episode 599

Episode 611


670: Draped over the arm of a chair at the cottage on Collinwood estate where Chris is staying
674: On the arm of the chair at Chris' cottage; then on the floor after Chris' werewolf transformation


758: Angelique covers Jamison with at as he lies on the couch at the Old House
765: On the bed in Beth's room at Collinwood; on the floor after Quentin's werewolf transformation
772: Tim's bed at Gregory Trask's school
783: On Charity's bed in her room at Trask's school
810: Draped around the bottom of Lenore's bassinet at Mrs. Filmore's home
818: Draped over the couch at Tate's studio
828: Covering Jamison on the couch at Collinwood
877: On the back of the couch at Tate's studio in 1897; later used to cover Petofi after he was stabbed by Aristede


906: Lying on a chair in Paul Stoddard's room at the Collinsport Inn


922: Covering Tate on his death bed after being attacked by werewolf Chris Jennings
962: Covering Megan while she moans Barnabas' name in her sleep, as Bruno and Jeb stand by.
986: Covering Bruno's piano in parallel time.
997: On the bed in Buffie Harrington's room in parallel time.
1032: Draped over the couch at the Loomis House (Old House) in parallel time.

Episode 962

Episode 997

Episode 1032


1111: On Daniel's bed in the tower room in 1840.
1111: Draped over the couch in the drawing room in 1840.
1129: On Daphne's bed in her room in 1840.

Episode 1111

Episode 1111

Episode 1129

1841 Parallel time

1213: Covering Bramwell as he recovers from being shot during a duel with Morgan.


Maggie's afghan has been found and is currently housed at Christine's residence! It was conjured by her dear sister in law, Vonna. While reported to be a replica, it may have actually been brought through parallel time. You be the judge. 


dave said...

I believe it also time traveled to Roseanne Connors living room. 1990
Every episode of the Roseanne Show..

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful compilation you did a magnificent job I always thought of the beautiful Colin sport Afghan as a symbol of comfort in a trying world of spirits Ghoulies ghosties and just playing crazy people I would love to know if anyone out there actually tried to make a replica of the granny square Dark Shadows African it was such a beautiful piece of work and it would be a shame if it just returned to the warehouse and molded away thank you for your excellent report I've always loved the collinsport Afghan

Christine said...

Glad you enjoyed the compilation of afghan appearances. It's funny you should ask about a replica afghan since one has recently come into my possession. I've added a photo of it to the page.