Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 417 - 1/30/68

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Barnabas tells Ben to drive a stake through his heart in the morning to end his torment and give him peace. Ben reluctantly agrees to do it. Barnabas tells him that after he has freed Vicki, he should take whatever money is left to live off of, away from Collinsport. Barnabas then tells Ben he must see Josette one more time. He plans to go to her room while he sleeps just to see her. Ben says it's not safe, and asks what if he can't help himself and harms her? Barnabas says he could never harm Josette. Ben begs him not to do it. Barnabas tells Ben he can go

While Josette sleeps, a bat appears in her room, and transforms into Barnabas. He says goodbye, and as he stands watching her, the Countess enters her room. She sees Barnabas before he disappears.

Josette wakes up and asks what's wrong. The Countess tells her they must leave Collinwood immediately, and Josette replies that she can't leave, because Barnabas promised to return to her. The Countess says Josette is not safe, and she explains that she's not afraid to die. The Countess then tells Josette that she saw her own death in the Tarot cards, and she too will die if she remains in Collinwood. She tells Josette that she won't leave without her, but that means she will die in Collinwood. Josette agrees to leave to ensure the safety of the Countess.

Ben finds Josette in the garden before dawn. He asks her if everything is alright. She asks why he's looking at her so strangely. He explains that he's been worried about her; about all the women, considering the recent events. Josette tells him she wouldn't dream of going in to Collinsport, and adds that she and the Countess will be leaving soon. Ben tells her she'll be happy when she's far away from Collinwood. She tells Ben that Barnabas promised her that he'd return, which is why she doesn't want to leave. Ben explains that Barnabas is dead, so he can never come back.

At dawn, Ben brings a stake and mallet to the Collins family crypt. He enters, and makes his way to the secret chamber. He approaches the coffin and opens it, the sleeping Barnabas inside. He prepares to drive the stake through his heart when he hears the maniacal laughter of a woman.

Josette's head appears, and asks Ben if he thought she would allow him to end her curse. She points out that his stake has disappeared, and that he'll never be able to do as Barnabas asks.

She sends him away. She looks down on the body of Barnabas and tells him he shall never escape her curse—nor shall Josette.

Our thoughts

John: Barnabas is being awfully melodramatic. You'd think he had been a vampire for hundreds of years at this point, the way he tells Ben how he's longed for peace...

Christine: Now we know where his penchant for watching women while they sleep originated.

John: It's the dreaded floating Angelique head! I guess we shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't expect her to go all Obi-Wan Kenobi and be more powerful in death.

Christine: She must be sorta mad that Barnabas choked the life out of her, since she was all for staking him when she was alive. I love how she floated out of the way so that Ben could pass by.

John: Poor Barnabas... just when he thought he could sleep in peace, his fling with Angelique comes back to haunt him once again (this time literally!).

Christine: Barnabas is not going to be happy when he wakes up and finds out his wife still hovers over him. It's a surprising twist to have Angelique resurrect herself once again to continue her reign of terror. She's more powerful than we were led to believe.

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