Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 648 - 12/18/68

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David and Amy try to tell Quentin that a lady is coming to look for him. David asks what they are supposed to do. Amy says Quentin doesn't like to see anyone he hasn't sent for. As they start to go, the Victrola begins to play again.

Liz asks Madame Findley what she found in the house. She says there are signs of Astral disturbances upstairs. She says that two forces seem to be battling one another. Findley says she's pulled back to the drawing room, and then asks if there's someone connected with the family or house whose name begins with M. Liz says she doesn't think so. Findley asks to be left alone, and Liz goes to wait in the study. Findley tells her there is a curse on the house.

Findley calls upon the help of M, and says she will help in the fight against the spirit she opposes. She senses M's presence, and asks her to speak to her. She hears the spirits are confined to a single room in the house. There is a pounding, and the spirit presence disappears.

Joe Haskell arrives at Collinwood to see Amy. Liz tells him to wait in the study while she gets her. Findley comes out and asks if there are parts of the house that are closed off. Liz says there are, and offers to let her explore them. They go upstairs together.

David asks Amy if she understands what she is to do. She says she thinks so, and she'll do it just as Quentin told her to.

Joe asks Amy why she's not glad to see him. She says she's waiting for someone, and he tells her Chris isn't coming today. Amy asks if Joe saw a woman while waiting for her, describing Madame Findley. He says he hasn't. He asks if Amy likes staying at Collinwood. She says she does, though she'd prefer to stay with Chris. Findley comes in, and Amy introduces her to Joe. She comes in and picks up the Tarot card. Amy asks what she's going to do with it, and she says she's going to use it as bait. Amy then notices Joe has a pentagram on his face, but no one else can see it.

Joe asks Amy to get Liz. Findley tells Joe that she saw the pentagram, too, and she suggests that he not ignore it. She explains it can be a good or bad omen. He assumes his was bad, and she tells him to be careful. He asks what he's supposed to avoid, and she says an animal that walks as a man. He says they don't have many of those around there. Liz tells Joe he can go up to see Roger. Findley asks if Amy can show her to the West Wing. Liz explains that Amy wouldn't know where the West Wing was, and offers to take her herself.

Amy returns to the drawing room to see Madame Findley. Findley asks her to tell her about the star she saw on her cousin's face. She tells her most people don't have them. Findley asks if she's ever felt someone in the drawing room that she couldn't see. Findley asks her what she thinks a medium is, and Amy says someone who looks for ghosts. She asks if Findley has seen a ghost, and she tells her that she has, and asks Amy if she has. Amy says she saw a man dressed as a ghost for Halloween. Findley asks her why she doesn't want to answer her question. She asks her again, and David comes through the secret panel. She asks where it leads, and David says it goes upstairs to the West Wing, but there's nothing up there. Amy agrees, and Findley says that Mrs. Stoddard said she wasn't familiar with the West Wing. David tells her she can't go up there, but she clearly understands that's where she needs to go. She suggests Amy is keeping a secret. She goes upstairs, and they try to stop her, but once she goes, they smile at one another. They close the door and pretend to play when they hear Liz coming.

Findley ascends the stairs.

Liz asks where Findley is, and David says she left. Liz asks if she said where she was going, and goes to check the study. David tells Amy to play the game.

Findley finds the storage room, and the entrance to the secret room. She crawls in and says she can feel their presence. The door slams shut behind her.

David and Amy listen on the other side of the closed door. They hear Findley say she's not frightened, and wants to help someone.

Our thoughts

John: What exactly is an astral disturbance? Maybe that's residual Jeff Clark/Peter Bradford angst hanging around Collinwood.

Christine: No doubt he adds to the psychic noise, but it seems our expert medium was able to tune him out. I sure like that Madam Findley. She's a real pro! It's quite entertaining to watch her work.

John: I wonder why Joe wanted to see Roger. Maybe he's going to try and get his old job back? If memory serves, shouldn't he still be at Angelique's mercy? She's been AWOL for quite a while now, so maybe he's gotten over her.

Christine: Diabolos either punished her or rewarded her, and I suspect in either case she no longer has power over Joe. It might free him up to try and reconcile with Maggie, though now that he's a marked man he may not have the opportunity to do so. 

John: While the kids appear to have set a trap for Findley, finding the room where Quentin is confined is exactly what she wanted to do. I guess we'll soon find out who emerges victorious.

Christine: Do you think Quentin was responsible for tripping her when she entered the room? I thought she was going down before the battle had even begun. Considering that the naughty kids have barricaded her in there, it doesn't seem she'll have a chance of emerging victorious or otherwise. I wonder if the terrible two will be burying another skeleton in the forest soon.

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