Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 587 - 9/24/68

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Adam plays solitaire while talking to Barnabas. Adam says he doesn't want to use Maggie as a life force, and Barnabas says that it's not his decision. Adam tells Barnabas that he will provide a life force tomorrow night. Barnabas asks who, and Adam says it doesn't matter if he knows. Barnabas demands that he tell him. Adam says he wants to use the woman he wants his wife to be like—Carolyn.

Barnabas says it's impossible to use Carolyn. Barnabas explains that Maggie can be controlled, and no one will notice if she's missing for a few days. Adam says Carolyn will not talk, and Barnabas says she can't go missing for days. Barnabas tells him it would be too dangerous for Carolyn. He says that according to Lang's theory, Carolyn will die. He adds that he was supposed to be transferred into Adam's body. He says that it was all planned out; he would move into the old house as Barnabas' cousin. He adds that Julia changed the experiment, and if she makes one mistake, it might kill Carolyn. Barnabas asks if he's willing to sacrifice Carolyn. Adam says if they're using Carolyn, they'll try harder to ensure they get it right. Adam refuses to entertain Barnabas' suggestions of using Maggie, whose whereabouts are still unknown to them.

Willie watches over Maggie, wondering how to watch over her while taking care of her. He decides to go into town to get food for her.

After he steps out of the secret room, Maggie wakes up. She sneaks into the main crypt, and Willie looks back in and sees she's gone. He calls to her, and sees her as she's about to escape. He tries to convince her he's trying to protect her. Maggie recognizes she's in the Collins' mausoleum, and begins calling for help. He drags her back into the secret room. She tells him that she hates him, and she'll go straight to the police as soon as she gets out. He says someday she may forgive him. He sneaks out the Chloroform he stole from Julia's lab, and uses it to knock her out again.

Blair is waiting in the garden when Adam appears. Adam says Barnabas wants him to wait until he finds Maggie. Blair says the only way his mate will be what he likes the most, they have to use Carolyn. Adam asks Blair to tell him how he will get Carolyn to be part of the experiment, and says he can't use violence. He says she has to want to do it to help him. Adam says he wants to be there when Blair talks to her, and Blair tells him not to worry, saying he'll do it when the time is right.

Willie wanders through the woods.

Blair hears something, and he and Adam hide as Willie walks by. Blair startles Willie. Willie says he's running an errand for Barnabas, and Blair calls him a liar. He stares at Willie and tells him he can't take his eyes off of him. He tells Willie to come to him, and says he knows about Maggie Evans.

Adam watches from the shadows, as Willie asks how Blair knows about Maggie. Blair tells him he is to let Maggie go, and then forget about the exchange that they're having. He waves him away, and Willie leaves. Adam comes out of hiding and suggests they follow him. Blair says he doesn't want Maggie to know that he's involved. Blair says he wanted Adam to see the exchange with Willie so he'd know how easy it will be for him to control Carolyn.

Maggie remains unconscious in the secret room of the Collins' mausoleum. She dreams of Willie preparing a dinner table for two. There's a knock at the door, and he invites Maggie in. She hears the music from Josette's music box. She asks where they are, and why she's there. She sees a place card on the table with Josette's name. She asks Willie what Barnabas wants from her.

She says she's going to leave, and Willie tells her that Barnabas is coming. She says she won't be alright if she stays. Barnabas enters the room and Maggie screams in terror.

Maggie wakes up, thinking about Barnabas, wondering why she was afraid of him. 

Our thoughts

John: Interesting to hear Barnabas describe how Lang's experiment was supposed to go, with his consciousness transferring into Adam's body. I thought they had abandoned that narrative, particularly when they had Lang record his final words describing how things would go for Barnabas if Adam were to live or die.

Christine: It was also interesting that he said Julia completed the experiment differently to try and explain why that didn't occur. The writers seem to be making this up as they go.

John: Interesting that Willie and Blair are both on the same side when it comes to Maggie without really realizing it.

Christine: Adam has a point about how Barnabas is willing to sacrifice Maggie's life, but not Carolyn's. He does not seem to feel any guilt over kidnapping and tormenting her.

John: I don't know what to make of Maggie's dream. She wakes up wondering why she's afraid of him. If they had wanted her to remember what Julia had gotten her to forget, wouldn't she have remembered him as a vampire? Not that it matters, since no matter what she remembers, Julia will likely clear her mental cache again...

Christine: She's getting closer to remembering all the details of her captivity, and it may not be long before she remembers him locking her in a coffin to punish her for trying to leave him. Julia may not get to her before she fully realizes what happened to her. 

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