Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 457 - 3/26/68

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Naomi lifts the lid on the coffin, and upon seeing what's inside, drops it shut. Ben arrives and escorts her out of the tower room.

In the drawing room, she asks Ben if she's losing her mind, having seen Barnabas in the coffin. Ben tells her that there's hope for Barnabas; that he's not dead. He explains that Barnabas is under a curse. She asks why no one told her, and Ben says they didn't want to break her heart. Ben says the witch was responsible, and Naomi says she can't believe Vicki would do it. Ben clarifies that Angelique was the witch. Naomi tells Ben that Nathan said Barnabas was still alive, and responsible for the stranglings in Collinsport. Ben tells her he's going to find Nathan and fix him good. Naomi tells Ben that she's going to take care of Forbes. She tells Ben to get a carriage and take Daniel into town. She wants him to stay in town because he's not safe in the house. Ben says it will be night soon, and asks if Riggs can take Daniel. Naomi asks if there's more he isn't telling her. Ben denies it, and agrees to take Daniel. Naomi goes upstairs.

Ben hears the door shut, and goes into the foyer where he sees Forbes. He tells Nathan he's lucky to be alive. Ben says he thought he met a fine collection of scum in prison, but Nathan is the foulest of the lot. He says his scheming isn't going to work out the way he wants it to. Ben says it's Daniel that Nathan now wants, but it's too late, because he's taking the boy into town. Nathan asks who gave that order, and Ben tells him Naomi. Nathan asks why he's telling him this, and Ben says that maybe it would cause Nathan to try and stop him, in which case he can kill him. Ben leaves to get the carriage.

Millicent comes downstairs and Nathan takes her into the drawing room. He tells her what her cousin Naomi is up to; preparing to send Daniel away. She says she knew. He asks if she was going to let her get away with it. He angrily tells her that it's not Naomi's decision. He says Daniel is her and his responsibility, and they were going to sign papers making him his legal guardian. He grabs her and tells her to go upstairs and tell Naomi that Daniel cannot leave. Millicent says she thinks it's best for Daniel to be sent away, while the witch is near. Nathan says he's not concerned about the witch—he's concerned about Daniel. Naomi enters and tells Nathan that there's no need to worry about Daniel any more, because he's gone. She then tells him they have some talking to do.

Nathan tells Naomi she is making a mistake, and she'll feel differently if she sees what's in the tower room. He asks if she found Barnabas, and she tells him it's none of his business what she found. She says the lie that he told her was even more vicious than the lie about Vicki he told in the courtroom. She says she understands how Nathan has been blackmailing her husband. He says she will leave without Millicent. He tells her that if he were to leave, Millicent can come with him. He asks her what she thinks the true story is. She tells him that while Barnabas is still alive, the other things he told her are lies. She explains that Ben told him what happened. Nathan tells her that Ben lied. He says Barnabas sleeping during the day explains why he's been so active at night. She tells him that he's lying, and Nathan says he saw Barnabas attack a woman on the docks, and she was found strangled later that night. Nathan tells her if she goes to the tower room after dark, she won't find Barnabas there.

At sunset, Barnabas rises from his coffin.

Naomi sits in the drawing room. She looks outside, and debates going to the tower room.

Barnabas realizes he must go somewhere and find someone. Then he decides he need not leave, and he calls to Millicent.

On the stairs, Millicent hears his call, and she approaches his portrait.

Naomi hears Millicent in the foyer say she will meet Barnabas. She goes into the foyer and asks Millicent what she's doing. She tells Naomi she's going to take a walk in the night air. She leaves, and Naomi grabs her coat and follows her.

Millicent meets Barnabas in the garden. Naomi sees the two of them from a distance, and watches as Barnabas leans in to bite Millicent's neck. She screams. Barnabas turns to see his mother watching.

Our thoughts

John: Naomi handled seeing Barnabas in his coffin better than I would have expected. I was surprised that she was able to contain herself when she saw him up and about. I think under the circumstances, she would have gone to him, or at least called to him, before he had a chance to put the bite on Millicent.

Christine: She was probably in shock. It's interesting that we're winding down the 1795 storyline with Barnabas feeding off Millicent as we'd left 1967 with him replenishing himself with Carolyn. He obviously has no qualms about attacking the young ladies in the family. It indicates something truly disturbing about Barnabas the vampire.

John: As much as I would love to see Ben and Nathan duke it out, I'd prefer for Naomi to be the one to put Forbes in his place, once and for all.

Christine: I'd prefer for Barnabas to put him in his place. With his fangs. Though it seems he does not care to dine on gentlemen. He must have been desperate after his 200 year fast to feed on Willie.

John: If Nathan knew so much, how come he never bothered to go to the tower room himself. Was he afraid of finding Barnabas?

Christine: Oh yeah, he's a lily-livered scum. Let's hope Barnabas will be seeking him out when he finds out he's responsible for his mom finding out his dirty secret. I had to chuckle when Ben said Nathan dresses fancy. 

"I thought I'd met a fine collection of scum when I was in prison. Thieves, cutthroats, blackmailers, mean, murderous, evil men, all of them. But there was none of them could compare to you. Oh, you dress fancy and you talk better, but down inside you're the foulest one of the lot." -Ben Stokes

You are going to be in so much trouble when your father gets home, mister!

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