Monday, February 5, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 421 - 2/5/68

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Josette tells Barnabas that she cannot leave Collinwood having seen him again. He begs her to go away and forget him. She says he doesn't mean it, or he wouldn't have come back. She tells him that nothing can keep them apart. She asks him to take her with him. She hugs him, and he leans in to bite her neck.

We see Barnabas' closed coffin, and dissolve to Josette lying in bed, when the Countess arrives to wake her.

Josette gets up and wraps a scarf around her bitten neck before letting the Countess in. She goes to open the drapes and Josette snaps at her to close them. She says she prefers the mood. The Countess begins to make up a tale to see if Josette is paying attention, and Josette agrees with what she's saying. The Countess calls her on her behavior.

Josette tells her that she intends to stay in Collinwood. The Countess realizes that Barnabas is to blame for Josette's change of heart. Josette tells her that there's nothing she can do to change her mind.

Natalie goes to see Vicki at the jail. She offers money to Bradford for him to leave them alone together. He tells her he cannot leave. The Countess tells Vicki that there need not be a trial if she ends her spell on Josette. Vicki doesn't understand her, and tells her that she cannot place spells on anyone. The Countess mentions the book, and says Josette refuses to leave. She offers Vicki money and freedom. Vicki tells her she can't guarantee her freedom. The Countess tells her she will help her escape.

The Countess asks to see the book again, to see if she can find a way to save Josette. She says she doesn't know how Josette dies. Vicki tells her she jumps off the cliff at Widow's Hill. The Countess asks why she jumped to her death, and Vicki begins to describe Josette on the day. She describes her having lost a ring, and being very upset about it. The Countess claims that Satan is speaking through Vicki, and that she will save Josette.

Bradford asks Vicki why she said what she did. He says they will use everything she says against her. He asks her what she'd think if someone who claimed to be from 200 years in her future tried to tell her the future. She says she'd think they were mad. He asks if she had considered staying in 1795. He probes about her family, and anyone she loves. She mentions her fiance and an airplane crash, which requires further explanation to the boy from 1795. He tells her he wishes she'd stay in 1795, and kisses her.

Barnabas enters Josette's room through a secret panel. He's concerned that he's not worth giving up everything for, and she says that it's her decision.

She says the only thing that will change her mind is if he tells her he doesn't love her, and he says he cannot. He explains that she will be different; as he is. She says she knows that he's dead, but still alive. He gives her his ring.

Outside, the Countess knocks on the door. He tells her to meet him at the old house as soon as she can. He leaves and Josette opens the door for her. The Countess says she's concerned because Josette has been acting so strangely. She then sees the ring on Josette's finger, and implores her to tell her where she got it.

Our thoughts

John: Who's this maid the Countess was referring to? I haven't seen any maid around Collinwood.

Christine: While the Collins family could afford tons of servants, Dan Curtis could not, so we have to use our imaginations and believe there are many unseen servants tending the house and people in it, which is helped along by having characters mention them from time to time. How did Kathryn Leigh Scott get her neck to pulse like that? Maybe she went for a run before posing in bed with her throbbing neck wounds that are apparently glistening with saliva. Gross.

John: I love how Vicki tells the Countess that she'll try to remember the events around Josette's death, and then goes on to describe the events of the day in the most minute detail. And how could Vicki remember the ring, and NOT connect it to Barnabas' ring, so prominently displayed in his portrait AND on his finger?

Christine: Yes, it's hard to believe that level of detail would have been recorded in the Collins family history book, though not hard to believe Vicki would be so oblivious, since that's how she's been ever since she found herself in 1795. She may ultimately be burned for witchcraft, but at least she found love with her awkward guard beforehand.

John: How would Barnabas know about secret panels in the new house? Was he the one who had those installed, and not Joshua? And why hadn't he used it previously, rather that hanging out outside her window where everyone can see him?

Christine: Who needs a secret panel when you can materialize wherever you please. Josette seems to be gung-ho for the undead lifestyle. I can't imagine this was how Angelique wanted things to work out for them.

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