Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dark Shadows Episode 363 - 11/15/67

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Carolyn uses Tony's keys to get into his office. She opens his safe and rifles through it, looking for Julia's notebook. She's shocked to find that it isn't there. The light comes on and she turns to find Peterson standing over her. He tells her he moved the book to a safer place. She tries to run past him and he grabs her and throws her against the wall, telling her she's not leaving before she answers a few questions.

She asks him to let go of her arm. She says she'll tell him the truth, but she'd lie to the police. He asks why she was going through his safe. She explains that her father treated her mother badly. She says that she turned to a friend of the family. He left before she was born. She then says Julia Hoffman arrived claiming to be interested in genealogy. She found out that Carolyn wasn't the daughter of Paul Stoddard. Her real father had died before he could blackmail them, but Julia was planning to do the same. She tried to steal the man's diary which Julia had in her possession. She tells him to take her to the police if he doesn't believe her, or to take her home if he does. He says he likes to think of the Collins family as human. He agrees to take her home, and she smiles.

Back at Collinwood, he tells her to go upstairs and get some sleep. Julia enters, and she says she'll see him to the door. He tells her to go upstairs. Julia points out that Carolyn is pretty. He says she's been through a lot, and so has her mother, but that she'd know about that. Julia doesn't know what he's talking about. He says he doesn't want to be an accessory to blackmail, and so she needs to take back her notebook as soon as possible. She takes him into the drawing room. He says he knows what's in the book, and why it's only valuable to her and Elizabeth Stoddard. He says he knows she's trying to blackmail her. Julia has no idea what he's referring to. She says he's the only one who can help him, and she's not a blackmailer. She tells him what's in the book is dangerous, and it has nothing to do with blackmailing Elizabeth Collins. He realizes that Carolyn might have lied to him. She says she'll write a letter allowing him to read the book in case anything happens to her.

Julia is in the drawing room when David enters. He says that he and Vicki got back 30 minutes ago. David says he liked Boston, but he's glad to be back in Collinwood. Julia says she needs to go by the old house, and leaves David alone in the drawing room. Sarah appears in the foyer and welcomes him home. He tells her he went to Boston, and she's impressed. She says she went once, and it took two days to get there. He tells her that it only took them five hours to get there. Sarah seems distracted, and says she has to go. She says she has to go to the old house, as something bad happened, and disappears.

Julia drops in to see Barnabas. She tells him that his helper failed to get her notebook from Tony Peterson. He says that apparently Carolyn is not the experienced criminal that Julia is. He bids her goodnight, but Julia says she spoke to someone he might be interested in—Sarah Collins. He asks where. She says she saw her at the mausoleum, but not to bother going there, as she won't appear to him. He clutches her throat when the front door of the old house bursts open. He turns to see his sister Sarah for the first time in over 100 years.

Our thoughts
John: I must admit, Tony Peterson is beginning to grow on me. I love how they had him wear his hat when he arrives at his office, keeping his eyes in shadows.

Christine: Apparently, he went back to get his hat after catching Carolyn in his safe, since he didn't have it on when he found her yesterday. He was really working his inner Bogart today with the hat, the cigarette and trenchcoat.

John: Come on, counselor, the Tony Peterson we met just a few days ago surely would have been thrilled to help blackmail the Collins family.

Christine: He had Carolyn up in his apartment the night before. He's no longer thinking clearly.

John: Since when does Sarah refer to her house as the old house? At last we finally got the long-awaited family reunion between Sarah and Barnabas!

Christine: Her slip about the Old House was almost as strange as David's disbelief over her telling him it took two days to get to Boston. Can't wait to hear what she finally has to say to brother Barnabas.

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