Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 623 - 11/13/68

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Collinsport, 1795. Danielle Roget appears in the gaol to see Peter Bradford. The jailers are freaked out by her sudden appearance. They explain they were just reading Peter Bradford's death warrant. She explains that she's been gone for six months, but she's there to see Peter. The jailer says Peter had a way with pretty women. He tells her that he was about to marry Gloria Winters, who was recently hanged for practicing witchcraft. He adds that after she was hanged, she changed into someone else.

Peter doesn't seem happy to see her. He points out that she's guilty of killing and free, while he's innocent and about to be hanged. She says they think they're going to hang him, but they're wrong. She says they can leave together and change the course of history. She asks if he wants to live, and offers to help him escape. She offers freedom in exchange for his going away with him. He agrees, and she says she has to go to Collinwood to see Ben Stokes.

Joshua Collins calls Ben Stokes into the drawing room. He says that the governor has refused to grant clemency to Peter Bradford, and there's nothing they can do to help him. Stokes says that Vicki explained that she killed the man. Joshua says they can offer Peter nothing but their prayers. He then asks Ben to destroy the book of the Collins family history that Vicki claimed to have brought back with her from the future. Ben asks why, and he says it frightens him. He says he doesn't want future generations to know what really happened to Barnabas, or Naomi, or Millicent. He tells Ben that the book is cursed; the product of black magic. He adds that he thinks their suffering will end once it has been destroyed. He gives it to Ben with the express request that he take it to the woods and burn it.

Jeff asks his jailer for a pen and paper to write someone a note.

Danielle finds Ben. He says she wasn't to come back, and she explains that she had to because Peter was in trouble. She says she needs his help to rescue Peter. He says he'll prepare horses for Peter's sake. She asks him to do it now, and he says he has to burn a book for Joshua. She tries to take it from him, and he reluctantly agrees.

In the gaol, Danielle has apparently read the entire Collins' family history, somehow including that Vicki came back in time. Ben comes in and tells her he has the horses. He goes to take the book and she tells him she'll give it to him when she and Peter come out. She sends him outside as the jailer returns. She starts to make a move on the jailer, until he mentions that Peter is writing a note, likely for her.

She goes in to see him and he says he's not leaving with her. He says he explains it all in a note, and while it will be hard for her to accept, she needs to read it. She says she wants to be with him, and he says he's keeping a promise to a dead woman. A woman he promised to be with again in death or another life.

The jailers come in to take him to the gallows. The leave Danielle who reads Peter's note, and is quite excited by it. She says it's just what she needed, and slips it into her book. She says his note has given her another chance. The jailer watches as she disappears.

Our thoughts

John: Gloria Winters? Considering it has only been a few days since her hanging, you'd think they'd remember the name of the witch!

Christine: Gloria, didn't really matter what her name was when they were just jazzed to hang a pretty, young girl. Mr. Talky Prescott sure felt free to provide a lot of unsolicited information to Danielle, while his mute partner grasped his throat, apparently wondering why the old man got all the dialogue today.

John: So Peter has no trouble recognizing Danielle (who was credited as Eve, oddly enough). I guess they decided the thought of her looking different would have been too confusing.

Christine: None of us would have wanted to sit through a whole episode having them explain it and she only had 6 hours in 1795 anyway, so there was no time for Bradford to be confused by her changed appearance. I have to wonder about Ben's relationship with Danielle that enabled him to feel comfortable shirking his duty to burn the Collins family history book as ordered. That doesn't seem like him.

John: Well, lest there be any doubt, Peter Bradford is definitely the same limp fish that Jeff is in the future. He even does the patented Jeff Clark head grab.

Christine: I don't know. I think Jeff Clark went back in time and assumed Peter Bradford's identity. It was nice to revisit 1795 for a brief amount of time. I can't imagine how Eve might think Bradford's note could be good for her.

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