Thursday, November 8, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 619 - 11/7/68

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In the woods, Barnabas calls to Vicki. She finds him in the woods, and he tells her it's too late. She cries that it isn't. She asks if he can tall her what happened. He says it's too horrible, and she must hide him. She says she'll get him to Collinwood and call Julia. He tells her not to, explaining that only she can help him. She says she can take him to Collinwood through a secret door in the West Wing that no one has used for years.

Joe lies in the hospital thinking that maybe Angelique will come to him that night. Julia comes in, and Joe asks her to close the blinds. He asks how Barnabas is, and she explains that he's gone. He asks where he went, and she says that she thought he might tell her where Barnabas went. She says she knows he's under the spell of a vampire. She says it happened to her, too; that she was a victim of Tom Jennings. She says that like Tom Jennings, the vampire controlling him needs to be staked in their coffin. He says he couldn't tell her if he wanted to. He says that if she's been through it, she knows how impossible that is. Julia suggests that there might be another victim out there. She asks him if Nicholas Blair is behind all this. He says that's ridiculous. She says she'll go talk to him, and Joe warns her to stay away from Blair. She thanks him for telling her more than she expected. She says she has got to have a showdown with Nicholas Blair.

Vicki sneaks Barnabas into Collinwood, and tells him that she should get a doctor if he's sick.

Julia visits Blair, and he enthusiastically welcomes her in. He thanks her for the evening at the old house, and she suggests they stop playing games. She says she knows what he is. She says she knows he was behind the experiment creating an artificial mate for Adam. She adds that she knows what he did, or had done to Barnabas. He asks what she means, and she tells him Barnabas is a victim of a vampire. Julia adds that she knows he's protecting the vampire.

Blair laughs at her, and denies her claims. Julia tells him that Barnabas disappeared yesterday, and that if he's not saved by tonight he may die. Blair asks if she knows where he is, and she says she wouldn't be with him if she did. He asks what she wants, and she says that for his plan with Adam and his mate to succeed. She tells him that he knows if Barnabas dies that Adam will die, too. Blair says he is busy and must return to his work. She realizes how she upset him.

She points out that it's getting late in the day, and he tells her not to try his patience. She asks if Barnabas is in the house, and he says he is not. She asks if he knows where he is, and he tells her he does not. She says it's in their mutual interest to find him, and Blair says he will do everything he can to help her. Before she leaves, he tells her that he admires her for coming to him.

In the woods, Julia thinks Blair was lying about knowing where Barnabas was. She then thinks that maybe he doesn't know. She's confident he'll do something after the sun goes down. She decides that she must stay to find out what he does.

Barnabas asks Vicki if the sun has gone down yet. She tells him it is just setting. He tells her she shouldn't have let him sleep so long. He asks her to find a cross for him as quickly as possible.

Blair is sitting in his drawing room when Angelique comes in. She says he looks chipper, and suggests it's due to Maggie Evans. He doesn't speak to her. She asks what's troubling him. He asks her if she'd really like an answer. She says yes, and he stands up and backhands her.

He tells her that she had better undo what she's done to Barnabas immediately. He asks her where Barnabas is. She says he's in a hut in the woods. She tells Blair he hasn't been fair with her. He says that if anything happens to Barnabas, Adam will die. If that happens, he says he won't just punish her. He pats her on the head, and tells her to get Barnabas back to the old house tonight, leave him there, and then stay away from him. He tells her he's late to see Maggie Evans, and she jealously claims that when it comes to his own interests, he does very well. He tells her that's one of the advantages of being the master.

In the woods, Julia realizes that there's no reason for her to stay there, and that Blair would have already done what he was going to do. She then sees Blair leave the house, and she debates whether she should follow him, or search Blair's house for Barnabas. She then sees a woman leave Blair's house, coming towards her. She hides as Angelique passes by, and gasps when she recognizes her.

Our thoughts

John: How would Vicki know about a secret door that hasn't been used for years? All of the secret doors we know about seem to be under heavy rotation...

Christine: Yeah, I think the secret's out on the secret door. 

John: I have to give Julia credit for throwing down the gauntlet, saying she's going to have a showdown with Blair. It was quite the battle of wills, and even Blair, without admitting anything, compliments her on her efforts.

Christine: That was an entirely enjoyable exchange! It's precisely the reason Barnabas should be psychically dialing Julia for help instead of Vicki. I wonder where Vicki is going to find a cross. Do you think she'll have to go all the way to Bangor to get one? Angelique will surely have chroma-keyed herself into the West Wing room by then.

John: The only thing more exciting than Blair's psychological battle with Julia was his physical altercation with Angelique. Love the buildup from his silent rage to the clearly telegraphed bitch slap. Frankly, I thought this might have been the last straw for Angelique. After so many failed attempts to control her, we know that she can't be trusted.  It seems to me that he's basically risking all of his plans on the hope that she doesn't fail him again.

Christine: It seems certain that she will disobey him again, despite his flowery threats. If he doesn't expect it, then he's not as powerful as we've been led to believe.

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