Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 492 - 5/14/68

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Julia and Barnabas hold a door, with Adam's arm reaching through. He pulls back and they close the door. They hear him destroying the lab, and Barnabas goes to get Lang's gun to kill him.

Barnabas listens at the door to the laboratory, and doesn't hear anything. Gun in hand, Barnabas swings the door open. The lab is in shambles, but there's no sign of Adam. Julia suggests he must have the strength of a dozen men. Barnabas tells Julia to stay by the door to close it in case Adam appears, while he steps through the wreckage in search of the giant creation. He finds him on the ground under a sheet. Julia says that he's sleeping. Like a child, he had a tantrum and now he's sleeping.

Barnabas points the gun at him, and Julia says he can't kill him. She says Adam is like a small child. Barnabas reminds her that Adam is no ordinary human being. Julia tells Barnabas that they are responsible for him. She says they must make Adam trust them.

Julia prepares a larger dosage to ensure Adam sleeps for 24 hours. She says they need to move him to the old house. She says they can lock him in the cellar until he learns. Barnabas goes to get Willie to help transport Adam.

David sits in the drawing room, still unable to speak. Mrs. Johnson is with him, but tired. Cassandra enters and David gets up. She tells him to sit down, and asks Mrs. Johnson if there has been any change. She also suggests that Mrs. Johnson go to sleep and let her watch over him. Mrs. Johnson leaves to get David some broth, and Cassandra tells David it's not nice of him to keep Mrs. Johnson from sleeping, as she needs to have her dream. She tells David it's time to end his silence, and gets a candle which she lights in the fireplace. She brings it to David and tells him to look into the flame and concentrate. She says when the flame goes out, he will fall asleep. He'll wake when he hears Mrs. Johnson's voice, and he won't remember what he saw in the gazebo.

Mrs. Johnson returns and asks what happened to David, and why he's sleeping. David sits up and says Mrs. Johnson's name. She's shocked to hear him speaking. David doesn't understand why they're making a big deal about it, because he doesn't remember not being able to speak. The last thing he remembers was his father asking him to go outside to play.

David goes upstairs to see his father, and Mrs. Johnson says she never realized how bad she'd feel if something had happened to him. Cassandra suggests she get some sleep. She says she's afraid to go to sleep, because she knows she'll have a terrible dream. Cassandra sits her down in the drawing room, and asks her to drink the broth she brought for David. She nods off holding the cup of broth, which Cassandra takes from her hand. She fixes some pillows behind her head, and tells her to let the dream come to her.

As Mrs. Johnson dreams, she hears a knock at the door. She gets up to answer it, and it's David. He beckons her to follow him. He leads her to a door, and closes it behind her. She hears David's recital of the curse, and she works her way through the doors—skipping a door with Lang's headless creation—she ends on footage from an education film on bats, before waking up screaming.


Our thoughts

John: Why does Barnabas think bullets will kill a reanimated corpse? Barnabas and Julia will make for an interesting unmarried set of foster parents to Adam.

Christine: He probably thinks that since they gave him life, they can take it away. If only Barnabas knew that Adam was providing him with immunity to the vampire curse, he'd be doting on the big guy instead of wanting to put him down. It will be fun to watch Julia and Barnabas exploring their roles as new parents. 

John: I was wondering if Cassandra's plan might fail, since she told David he'd forget what he saw in the Guh-ZEE-bow, since in that episode everyone referred to it as the Guh-ZAY-bow.

Christine: How fortunate that the family continues to keep those blue candles on hand at Collinwood that Cassangelique prefers for her spell casting.

John: MAJOR DREAM SNAFU! Where was Lang's headless creation? Have they decided the dream curse was going to take too long to keep showing the advent calendar of delights as it continued to grow? Since David is the next dream curse victim, I think there's a chance that Carolyn, Roger AND Liz may all experience it before it comes back around to Barnabas!

Christine: Either it would take too long or they just couldn't set up that many doors. It's also possible that the headless creation was omitted because that was Lang's dream and Dr. Lang is no longer with the living. Or it could have been left out because the creation now has a head. So many possibilities. I really enjoyed the lighting used as David is beckoning Mrs. Johnson, and you have to admit it was unsettling to see that bat's beady red eyes snap to the viewer. But why is Mrs. Johnson dreaming of bats? My vote goes to Clarice Blackburn for being the best screamer on Dark Shadows.

Dark Shadows Before I Die Round Robin Nightmare tracker:
  1. Wide-eyed skull
  2. Guillotine
  3. Lang's Headless creation (SKIPPED in Mrs. Johnson's dream)
  4. Skeletal bride 
  5. Educational Bat-footage

David's Recitation of the Dream Curse
 Through sight and sound and faceless terror,
through endless corridors by trial and error,
ahead a blazing light does burn,
and one door leads to the point of return.

Mrs. Johnson's Recitation of the Dream Curse
Through sight and sound and headless terror,
through endless corridors by trial and error,
a blazing head of light will burn,
and one door leads to the point of return.

Julia's Recitation of the Dream Curse
Through sight and sound and faceless terror,
through endless corridors by trial and error,
ahead a blazing light does burn, 
and one door leads to the point of return. 

Dr. Lang's Recitation of the Dream Curse
Through night and sound and faceless terror,
through endless corridors by trial and error,
a head of blazing light does burn, 
and one door leads to the point of return.

Maggie's Recitation of the Dream Curse
Through sight and sound and faceless terror,
through endless corridors of trial and error,
a blazing head of light shall burn, 
and one door leads to the point of return.

1 comment:

Paul Haney said...

Am I the only one who initially thought that Adam was actually sucking his thumb while lying on the floor? Poor baby wore himself out destroying the lab. Guess he skipped right to the terrible twos!