Monday, October 22, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 606 - 10/21/68

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Barnabas arrives at Blair's house, and enters. Inside Eve's room, he pulls back the sheet to find her bed empty. He hears someone say hello, and he turns to face Angelique.  He says it isn't possible. She tells him he's wrong.  He says that Blair destroyed her, and she tells him that he allowed her to live again. She tells him she's been waiting for this moment for a long time. She shows him what Nicholas has made her by baring her fangs and biting his neck.

Barnabas is in a chair, unconscious. Angelique tells him to wake, and he says he'll never be rid of her. She affirms that he will never escape her. She tells him he'll never belong to anyone else. He asks if she knows how much he hates her, and she says no hatred is stronger than hers for him. He realizes she's going to make him revert to being a vampire. She says that while she hates being a vampire, she does like what it allows her to do with him. She says he needs her, and he will need her more and more over time. He gets up and tries to get away from her.

Barnabas makes his way to the front door of Blair's house, only to open it and find Angelique outside. He tells her he has to get back or people will get suspicious. She tells him that doesn't matter to her.

Stokes offers more sherry to Blair, who declines, indicating that it's getting late. He suggests that Barnabas must have had to stay with his cousin. Blair points out that Julia seems jumpy, and then decides that he must get home. Stokes says he was hoping they could discuss Blair's house. Blair tells him they'll have to do that some other time. He extends his thanks, and leaves.

Julia asks Stokes what will happen if he finds Barnabas in his house? Stokes says they have no choice but to wait. Julia is sure that Barnabas is dead. Stokes tells her to calm down. She says if he isn't dead, something terrible must have happened to him.

Angelique tells Barnabas he will come when she calls him. He tells her that he wishes he never came to the house. She tells him that Nicholas knew what he was up to, and set a trap for him. Barnabas gets up to leave. He doesn't know what he'll tell Julia and Stokes. Angelique says he should tell them the truth. She adds that they already know too much, and he must put an end to their suspicions. She adds that they must not suspect anything before releasing him so he can leave.

Blair returns home, and says he can see that their plan was successful. She says that Barnabas is under their complete control now. Blair asks if she's happy, and grateful for his giving her what she always wanted. He tells her that she will only see Barnabas when he says she will. He tells her that she will be tempted to call him sooner, but she must only do so when he says it's okay. She says that she understands that she must obey him, or he will destroy her. He likes hearing that, but he doesn't necessarily believe that she means it. He tells her that she won't receive another warning.

Barnabas returns home. Stokes asks what happened. He responds that it was a total failure. Eve wasn't there, and the entire house was empty. He says there was no indication of Adam or Eve being in the house. He adds that Blair will never know that he was there. He then says he's exhausted and doesn't want to speak anymore. Julia says he looks odd. He tells her they will talk tomorrow. Stokes and Julia leave.

Julia tells Stokes that the way Barnabas looked and behaved bothers her.

A dog howls, and Barnabas realizes that he's got to find a way to escape Angelique. Angelique appears in the old house. He asks her if Nicholas sent her, and she says Blair doesn't know she's there. She tells Barnabas she won't leave him alone until he's completely hers, and bites his neck again.

Our thoughts

John: If Angelique hates Barnabas so much, why would she go to such trouble to get him to love her? If she hates him more than he hates her, wouldn't she just vamp him and chain him in a coffin for all eternity?

Christine: It's a love/hate relationship. She only hates him because he won't love her. Chaining him in a coffin would not be as fun for her as having the pleasure of tormenting him endlessly and forcing him to submit to her. Did you see how pleased she was?

John: Isn't Barnabas a vampire, suppressed only by Adam's existence? I'm not quite sure about the physiology of Angelique double-dipping on him.

Christine: It is complicated. I think that she may be unable to turn him to a vampire because of Adam's protection, but since he is human, she can bring him under her control with her vampowers. I was half expecting Julia to tear down his collar the way he ripped off her scarf in Episode 566. You'd think she'd recognize the signs, being vampire food herself in the past.

John: Speaking of double-dipping, shouldn't there be a longer gap between blood drinking of a single victim? One would think two drinks in such close succession might result in death of the subject...

Christine: She may be taking small sips, though ultimately she could decide to kill him. I suspect that she won't since she's having so much fun with her new boy toy. I like how Angelique has three vampire grooms just as Dracula had three brides.

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