Carolyn sleeps in her room when the door opens. David sneaks in and stares at her. He touches her shoulder and she wakes up and screams. He tells her he was just checking to make sure she wasn't dead. She asks why he thought she might be dead. He gives her a toy soldier. She asks why, and he tells her that Sarah gave it to him to protect him. He wants her to keep it so nothing will happen to her.
She says he thought something terrible was going to happen to her, so he gave her the toy soldier he says Sarah gave him to protect her. Carolyn says Liz now sees what she has to do, and her mother says she can't send him away. Carolyn reminds her that David was right about Burke. Liz reluctantly agrees that sending David away might be the answer.
Barnabas sits in Julia's lab, both hands now showing signs of advanced aging. Julia comes in and reminds him it's almost morning. Barnabas waxes poetic about time speeding by. Julia suggests that it may just be a temporary reaction. Barnabas grabs Julia's throat and tells her there's still power in his hands. He tells her she has until tonight to find a way. She says she can try a counter-reaction. He asks what will happen if she's not successful. She says she doesn't know. He threatens her with something worse than death if she doesn't restore his life.
Carolyn picks up the toy soldier and begins to hear London Bridge. Behind her, a voice says David must have given her that. She turns and sees Sarah.
They speak, and Sarah explains that she's a ghost. She asks if Carolyn is afraid, and she says she's not. Sarah asks her not to send David away. Carolyn tells her that playing with her leads David to say all kinds of things that aren't true. Sarah asks if he was lying about her, and Carolyn tries to reason with her. Sarah asks her how she knows David's tales are false.
Liz knocks on the door, and Carolyn turns to answer. Sarah disappears, and Liz enters. Carolyn tells her that maybe they shouldn't send David away. Liz asks what made her change her mind. Carolyn asks her to trust her, for David's sake. She agrees, for now. Carolyn hears London Bridge again, and tells her she made the right decision.
David plays with a mobile in his room.
Carolyn comes in, with his toy soldier. She gives him the soldier and tells him that she doesn't need it. She says if she was in danger, Sarah would have told her. David says he doesn't want Sarah to see her. She came to Dr. Woodard, he believed David, and now he's dead. He doesn't want Carolyn to see Sarah and believe him, because of what happened to Dr. Woodard. David tells her nothing is true, he made it all up, including Sarah. Carolyn says he didn't lie about Sarah, and probably not the other things. He cries and hugs her.
Julia prepares to start the treatment. She explains that she's done all she can for Barnabas. If her calculations are correct, this treatment should be successful. She says she never wished him anything but good, and he says she never wished him anything at all. He tells her to begin.
She does, and turns dials, flips switches, watches her Jacob's Ladder. When she's done, she looks at Barnabas and screams.
Our thoughts
John: Have we ever seen Carolyn's room before? Is it just me or does it look nothing like the rest of the rooms in Collinwood?
Christine: Yes, this is the first time we've seen Carolyn's room, which reminds me of the time we first saw Maggie's bedroom in Episode 224, and we know what followed that. Her bright and sunny room does not have the same drab walls that we've seen in the rest of the house. David knew Burke wasn't coming back and now thinks Carolyn needs protection more than he does, which does not bode well for her. Liz sure took her time getting around to checking on Carolyn after hearing her scream.
John: I love how Carolyn has a cool, calm, rational discussion explaining the difference between what's real and unreal with someone she admits is a ghost.
Christine: That was pretty amusing. David has added some colorful new posters and has changed a few other things in his room.
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Episode 23 |
John: So the creeping age infliction went from Barnabas' left hand to his right. At least that's all we can see. Though based on Julia's response, her 'fix' to the problem may not have worked out as planned...
Christine: Barnabas' aged head played by none other than—you guessed it—Peter Murphy, Dark Shadows' current parts specialist.
Dr. Hoffman's Anti-Vampire Treatment in 5 Easy Steps
Step 1: Turn on equipment to begin bubbling colored liquid. Pinch tubing to check flow.
Step 2: Use tongs to drop dry ice into large cauldron.
Step 3: Monitor and make adjustments to oscilloscope.
Step 4: Turn on Jacob's Ladder.
Step 5: Shut off equipment and be amazed by the results.
Not to use labels, but the sort of "girly" look of Carolyn's room make sense. Although I would've expected it to also look as trendy as David's, including at least one of those posters.
Maybe Julia should adjust her dry ice levels and see if that reverses the ageing process!
It amuses me that she doesn't really seem to "monitor" the "patient" during this process, so she's stunned by its horrific result.
Dry ice? I thought those were cotton balls Julia was dropping in some kind of acid solution. Dry ice makes more sense. I guess.
I suppose cotton balls would make sense if they were soaked in some solution that caused them to emit a gas when added to the liquid. What do you think was cheaper and safer to use? Either way, it didn't work. 😉
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