Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 582 - 9/17/68

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Angelique lies on an operating table opposite Adam's mate. She tells Jeff to start the experiment. He flips switches and turns dials. Angelique begins to moan in ecstasy.

Barnabas arrives home and hears machinery running downstairs. He goes downstairs to find Jeff working. He startles him, and Jeff says he was just checking out the experiment.

Barnabas asks who was lying on the other table, which is now empty. Barnabas tells Jeff that he knows he was trying to destroy the body. He claims that Jeff hates Vicki so much that he wants her to die. Barnabas tells him that he's now free of his responsibilities, and that he never wants to see him in the lab again. He says that they will save Vicki's life without Jeff's help, and tells him to get out.

In the woods, Jeff runs into Angelique. He asks how she can disappear, and claims she's not human. She tells him that she couldn't let Barnabas see her. She tells him he must help her tomorrow night. He thanks her for freeing him from having to work on the experiment, and she says he must help her. She tells him to take her hand, and asks if she feels human.

Julia can't believe Jeff would try to destroy the body. She says he loves Vicki too much, and he tells her she's too much of a romantic. Barnabas wonders who they can take into their confidence to risk their life providing the life force. He says it must be someone they know and can control. Julia realizes that he's already made his decision. Barnabas tells her it will be Maggie Evans.

Julia says she's been through enough, and he assures her she will never know what she's doing. He reminds her that without a life force, Vicki and the others will die. He reminds her that she's hypnotized Maggie before. He says he's grateful Julia has helped him in the past. He says she can get Maggie to come to the house without knowing, and make her forget everything once it's over. Willie overhears their discussion, as Barnabas tells Julia it will be Maggie unless she can find someone else.

Julia prepares to return to Collinwood, and Barnabas asks if he should talk to Jeff Clark. She says he might scare him into talking, and says that she'll do it. As she leaves, Willie comes downstairs. Willie wants to talk to him, and Barnabas asks if it can wait until tomorrow. He agrees, and goes upstairs.

Willie stops Julia before she leaves, and asks her to speak with him. He brings up how he wanted to get out, but he stuck around. He tells her he feels sick inside, and he's going to stop now. She reminds him his work  is already done. He tells her they can't use Maggie in the experiment. She says he'll have to talk to Barnabas about that.

He tells her that she can refuse to perform the experiment. Willie says she doesn't know what it's like when you care about someone, and you think about them going through the experiment. Julia reminds him that she did the experiment with Barnabas, and she leaves. Barnabas comes upstairs and Willie tells him he's going to go downstairs and clean up.

Willie goes downstairs and hovers over the body of Adam's mate. He picks up a scalpel and tells the lifeless body that Maggie Evans isn't going to die for her.

Our thoughts

John: I'm trying to place the sounds coming from the lab. It's got a beep-boop rhythm that sounds more like a carnival ride than expensive lab equipment.

Christine: There was no beeping or booping going on when Julia initially performed the experiment, so that was all Clark's doing, and perhaps the reason why Angelique had a more ecstatic experience than Barnabas.

John: I love Jeff's great startled pose when Barnabas finds him! Of course I want to know how Barnabas managed to miss Angelique, considering she was still writhing in ecstasy when he first came downstairs.

Christine: That was a great pose! It seemed totally out of place, which made it all the more delightful. There was quite a lot of head grabbing from Clark in this episode. I was disappointed that Barnabas didn't see or hear Angelique squealing, but it seems we will continue to be teased about the magic moment when the two former spouses meet up once again. I'm still hoping Barnabas will have the satisfaction of learning that Angelique is the new vampire about town.

John: Barnabas speaks of Maggie as if she's the only one susceptible to hypnosis. If Julia can hypnotize her, couldn't she just as easily hypnotize one of the 'ladies' down by the docks that Barnabas used to fraternize with when he first arrived in Collinsport?

Christine: I don't think those ladies are around anymore due to their fraternizing with him, though I was also wondering why it had to be Maggie Evans. I think he's holding a grudge against her for rejecting his plan to make her stand-in for Josette as his vampire bride, and it's his way of getting back at her for it.

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