Monday, October 9, 2017

Dark Shadows Episode 336 - 10/9/67

Amazon Prime members can stream today's episode free!

Woodard returns to the mausoleum at Eagle Hill cemetery. Inside, he brings Sarah's flute. He thinks out loud that there could be a secret room to hide a terrible secret. He reaches up to try the ring in the lion's mouth when he turns to see Sarah in the mausoleum with him. He asks her to tell him some of the things she knows. He says David needs help. She says he was afraid like Maggie. She asks him if he knows what they were both afraid of, and he tells her that he hopes she'll tell him.

She says that she shouldn't, because people don't keep secrets any more. She notices that he has her flute. He tells her that people think David is lying about her. He asks if she wants to see David locked up. She says no. He says if she tells him what he wants to know, he'll ensure David is around to play with her. She shows him the secret room in the mausoleum. Woodard enters the secret room and sees the coffin. He opens it to find it empty, as David described. He asks Sarah if the coffin has always empty. She says she doesn't understand him. He asks if anyone was ever buried in the coffin, and she says she can't tell him.

He finds chains on the ground and determines that someone was buried in the coffin who wasn't dead, and had to be chained inside. He looks around and finds Sarah is gone.

Burke tells Vicki about the house. She's disappointed they won't be able to buy it. Burke tells her he has to leave town for a while, but when he gets back they'll set a date for the wedding, and then find a place to live. She tells him they can get married once David is better. Burke agrees to wait.

Dr. Woodard returns to Collinwood asks Vicki to see Burke. She explains that he's gone out of town for a few days. He then asks about Julia, and Vicki tells him that she's at the old house. He asks if he can look at some of the Collins family albums. She asks what he's found, and he tells her what she doesn't know can't hurt her. He goes into the study, and Julia enters. Vicki tells her that Dr. Woodard is looking for her. She says he's in the study. Julia goes in to see him.

Woodard tells Julia that he just found out the original Barnabas Collins had a sister named Sarah. She asks why he's interested in a girl that died a hundred years ago. He explains that the Sarah David has been seeing is the ghost of Sarah Collins. She asks why he's so concerned, and he tells her that he saw Sarah and talked to her in the mausoleum. She tells him that's ridiculous. She suggests he too must be imagining things. She says they should keep Sarah in the family books, or David's mind. He points out that Sam Evans saw Sarah, too. She suggests that Sam Evans is a drunk, and not a reliable witness. He explains that he saw Sarah, spoke to her, and he's going to find out why she's back.

Our thoughts

John: I wish I could understand what rules Sarah is trying to live by, or, stay dead by. It seems that she can only tell as much as the writer's want to reveal at any given time, and not what she actually knows.

Christine: There are no rules for Sarah. It's her prerogative as a non-ghostly ghost to advance the plot how and when she sees fit.

John: Ouch! Tough break, Burke. If you can't deliver the house of Vicki's dreams, it sounds like the wedding might be off. She says it's about David, but I think we know the truth...

Christine: The fact that he didn't feel obligated to let her know where he was going to be while he was away for a few days so she could get in touch with him may be giving her a better understanding of what life with Burke may be like. She may be throwing out lots of excuses for putting him off because she doesn't want to admit that he's not quite the same exciting guy she first met.

John: Julia was enjoying the fact that David's claims had been dismissed as his imagination, not realizing how short lived that would be. One thing I don't understand is how Woodard didn't bother to mention that Sarah let him into the secret room in the mausoleum, which dismisses once and for all the notion that David was imagining everything.

Christine: She was not doing a very good job of negating his assertion that he spoke with Sarah. I was surprised she didn't whip out her trusty hypno-medallion and start working on his memory.


Dave Dykema said...
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Dave Dykema said...

Bizarre how at the end of this episode on the DVDs there's a ten second promo that says something like "This Friday you and Victoria Winters will get whisked to the year 1795 to find out the secret behind Barnabas Collins and his coffin." And I've watched several more weeks' worth and it has yet to happen! Someone in production at MPI Home Video screwed up!

Christine said...

The inclusion of the promo after this episode is definitely a mistake, but you are getting closer to 1795, Dave! The promo should have appeared after episode 361, which is where we have included it in our post. Sorry for not giving a heads up in this post as it caused both John and I a bit of confusion as well.

Anonymous said...

I was confused as well. I didn't know why the promo was added during that episode.