Monday, April 9, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 466 - 4/8/68

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Vicki drives Barnabas to the cemetery. Barnabas sees someone step into the road. Vicki sees that it's Peter Bradford and swerves, crashing the car.

Julia answers a call from the hospital saying Barnabas has just been admitted, along with Victoria Winters, following a car accident. She says she'll be right there, and leaves.

Barnabas mumbles about Vicki and Josette as a doctor checks his vitals. The doctor has a shocked look on his face. A nurse comes in with his blood info, noting there was no sign of a pulse when he came in, and his blood count the lowest she had seen. The doctor tells her to prepare him for a massive transfusion. The doctor goes to examine Barnabas' clothes, looking for signs of massive blood loss.

A man looking exactly like Peter Bradford stands over Vicki in her room. A nurse comes in and tells him to leave. He explains he was the cause of the accident. After they leave, Vicki calls out for Peter. The man re-enters the room. Vicki opens her eyes, and calls him Peter.

She tries to sit up and he tells her to sit back, as she's in the hospital. He confirmed she crashed into a tree. He says he pulled them both from the car. He says the man kept calling her Vicki. She says he doesn't remember. He says he's sure he'd remember if they had met each other before. She says they met a long time ago, telling him that he IS Peter Bradford. The man says his name is Jeff Clark. He says he'll come back tomorrow and she asks him to wait. She asks him where he came from. He says he hasn't lived in Collinsport long. He starts to leave, and she stops him. He says she must have liked this Peter Bradford; he envies him.

The nurse comes back in and says Dr. Lang will not be happy, Jeff leaves, and tells her he'll be back. Vicki asks the nurse how Barnabas is. The doctor comes in, and she asks him about Barnabas. He explains they just gave him a massive transfusion. He tells her Barnabas' condition upon his arrival was puzzling. He asks her about his physical condition before the accident, and Vicki says he was in excellent health. The doctor examines Vicki and notices the marks on her neck. He asks where she got them. He says she appears to have been bitten. She says she doesn't remember. The nurse comes in and tells the doctor someone is trying to take Mr. Collins out of his room.

Julia is calling for an ambulance for Barnabas. The doctor comes in and asks what she's doing. Julia says she's taking her client who she has been treating. She explains it is a case that only she understands completely. She says Barnabas suffers from a rare blood disorder. He asks her what name she has given it. She says she hasn't found a name accurately describing his condition. The doctor says that he has one. He asks to see Julia's neck. He tells her Vicki has some marks on her neck, and he wants to see if she has them, too. He asks why she's in a hurry. She says it's very late, and he describes it as almost dawn. He says Barnabas had no pulse, and no heartbeat. He tells her he has an interest in bizarre medicine. He tells her that he could be classified as a member of the living dead.

He asks how long he has been in this condition. He says he thinks she's been working on a cure for a legendary condition. She says he'll die if he stays there. The doctor asks why. She says he cannot be exposed to any light, due to an eye condition. The doctor tells her she's lying. He asks her if Barnabas is a vampire.

Julia asks if he'll confirm that no light be let in the room, and he agrees. She says he might reject the blood he's given Barnabas. He asks what more he should do for their patient.

The doctor affixes blackout curtains to the windows of the room. Barnabas wakes and asks who he is. Doctor Lang introduces himself. Barnabas tries to leave, but the doctor won't allow it. He asks what time it is, and the doctor says nearly four. Barnabas asks him to call Collinwood to send a car. He says that it is vital to Barnabas that he stay. Barnabas says only one thing is vital to him, and Lang says that he be home by dawn. Barnabas asks what he knows. Lang tells him he doesn't understand what has happened. Barnabas gets out of bed, Lang reiterates that it's 4 in the afternoon, and pulls the curtains open. Barnabas screams as the daylight hits him.

Our thoughts 

John: Julia doesn't bother to tell anyone else about the accident? I think she'll have some explaining to do when Liz finds out she didn't tell anyone about what happened to Barnabas and Vicki.

Christine: Barnabas can take an arrow to the chest and multiple gunshots, but a car accident has him in dire condition, rendering him unconscious and helpless?

John:  As we expected, it was not Peter Bradford but in fact Jeff Clark that caused the accident. But the most important question remains—who the hell was he waving at?

Christine: I think he was trying to flag down a ride. If so, the question is why he was out hitchhiking late at night near the cemetery. Vicki says he has the same face, hair and hands as Peter Bradford. He also has that same creepy stalker vibe.

John: It's a new day in Collinsport, where the V word is being bandied about by doctors. I'm thrilled to hear that Doctor Lang has an interest in bizarre medicine. Of course, he also appears to be a bit of a sadist, exposing Barnabas to the sun when he knows darn well what he's doing. It would have been funny if doing so turned Barnabas to dust instantly, blowing Lang's chance to practice bizarre medicine before he even got started!

Christine: There may have been a bit of sadism in exposing Barnabas to sunlight, though it may be possible he was also trying to have the upper hand, knowing full well that Barnabas could put a swift end to him. Dr. Lang, B.M.D. is sure to be a lot of fun. Can't wait to see where his bizarre medicine leads.


Jeff Baker said...

This is the episode described in the opening of a 1960s magazine article on the show (Might have been Look or Sat. Eve. Post.) They quoted Julia's line: "No one has ever given massive blood transfusions to a vampire before!"

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how a vampire is taken out in a car accident, either. Sometimes it's just better to humor the writers and go along with the ride, no matter how nonsensical it gets.