Barnabas asks Julia where Willie is. He was to report to him on his search for David at sundown. Barnabas tells her that he will find David before the night is over.
David claws at the secret door, trying to get out. He says that there must be a simple way out that Willie used when Barnabas told him to open the door.
Julia tells Barnabas that he needs another injection. She says that the timing is important or it could render the experiment useless. He explains that if David learns his secret, that will also render her experiments useless. She claims that Barnabas is keeping David a prisoner. He says that if David knew what he was, he wouldn't keep him as a prisoner, risking that he tell someone if he escaped. He says he won't harm David if he doesn't know, but he thinks he does, since he's spent so much time with Sarah. And if he does know, Barnabas will choose survival over sentiment. She says that she hopes someone else finds David before he does. She warns him that if he harms David, he'll be writing his own death warrant, and he says that there may be two death warrants written regardless of what happens to David, and she can tell that to Willie when she sees him.
Barnabas arrives at the main house and asks Vicki if there's been any word on David. She tells him there's been no word. Barnabas says that if David were injured, the sheriff would have found him. Vicki says that's even worse, as it means David might have been abducted by the maniac who abducted Maggie. He tells her that she shouldn't fear the worst. He says there should be some clue. Vicki says that Joe and Roger searched the Eagle Hill Cemetery, and there was something, but it was not of consequence. He asks her for more details, and she describes how the caretaker says he heard voices from within the Collins family mausoleum. She says that Joe and Roger checked, but found nothing inside. Barnabas tells her that he should join the search.
David calls to Sarah, asking for help. He sits down at the step and it slides open.
Barnabas introduces himself to the caretaker at Eagle Hill Cemetery. He explains that he has maintained the archive of the cemetery for 35 years. He asks Barnabas if he's a ghost, since Barnabas died 150 years ago. Barnabas tries to get information from the caretaker, but he blabbers on and on.
Barnabas has little patience as he says that he heard the caretaker heard voices. The caretaker says if he already knew, why did he ask him. Barnabas asks where the voice came from, and he says it came through the wall in the mausoleum. He tries to get the caretaker to confirm he heard a child's cry, and he goes on to talk about Sarah. Barnabas says he knows Sarah, and almost blurts out that he's her brother. Barnabas says he'll go to see if the voice will talk to him. The caretaker says it's not safe to go there at night. Barnabas just smiles.
David begs for someone to come and help him. Sarah says she can help him.
He turns and is happy to see her. She says she heard him call for help. He asked how she got in, and she says that's one of her secrets. He tells her he's mad that she ran out on him. He says he heard his cousin Barnabas and Willie outside, so he hid in the coffin. He says she showed him how to get in, but not how to get out. She says that his family must be worried about him. She says she will, but he has to promise not to talk about his secret room. He agrees. She shows him how to get out from this side of the wall.
He uses it and the door opens. As he leaves, he tells Sarah to join him, but she's gone. He closes the secret door from the other side, and leaves the crypt. Outside, he runs into Barnabas.
Our thoughts
John: What's the light source in the secret room in the Collins family crypt? Wouldn't it be pitch black?
Christine: It is possible that a skylight was installed in the mausoleum so the sunlight could be used as added protection against the vampire, in case he should get past the locks on his coffin. If not, then it's probably the same source that lit David up while he was in the coffin in Episode 311. Would you prefer to just hear him bumping around in the dark?
John: I'm sure it was accidental, but I had to laugh when David inadvertently exposed the way to open the secret door from inside.
Christine: Too bad he slid it back into place or he could have found his way out before Sarah showed it to him. Best scene of the day was Barnabas getting frustrated by the Caretaker's gibberish.
John: This should be interesting. David doesn't know Barnabas' secret, but he knows too much for his own good. If I didn't know any better, I'd be thinking that David's contract might be running out.
Christine: David's been locked up for nearly two days in the mausoleum, and seems pretty energetic after not having had food or water in all that time. What are the chances he's been using Jason's final resting place for his latrine? It would have been cool if Jason McGuire's ghost had appeared just to taunt him.
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"If I have to choose between sentiment and survival, I'll choose survival." -Barnabas |
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