Monday, September 4, 2017

Dark Shadows Episode 311 - 9/4/67

David looks for Sarah in the secret room of the Collins family crypt when he hears someone outside. He hurries to close the secret door from the inside. Barnabas and Willie enter the crypt and find it empty. As they are about to leave, Barnabas tells Willie to open the secret door. David opens the coffin as Willie pulls the lever. Barnabas enters the secret room and stands over the coffin in which David is hiding.

Barnabas tells Willie to close the door. He tells Barnabas that nothing has been disturbed. Barnabas points out that Willie is a coward, afraid of death. He claims that Barnabas is afraid of Sarah, and Barnabas denies it. Inside the coffin, David listens to Willie and Barnabas talk. As they go to leave, Willie hesitates, and tells Barnabas to listen. He says he thought he heard something. Barnabas tells him to open the door, and Willie moves a stone revealing another lever. After opening the secret door, he moves the stone back into place, and closes the door behind him.

David opens the coffin and hops out. He closes it, and goes to the secret panel. He's unable to get it to open. He calls for someone to let him out.

Carolyn tells Joe it's her fault that David snuck out. Joe takes responsibility for asking him to search for Sarah. She wished Vicki were home, but she's out with Burke. Joe starts to ask how she feels about Vicki's engagement to Burke. She says she's embarrassed about how she acted in the past.

David calls for help from within the crypt.

Vicki arrives home, and Carolyn tells her David is missing. Joe offers to go look for him, and Carolyn goes with him.

David opens a pocket knife and attempts to pry the secret door open.

Joe and Carolyn search the woods for David. She tells him she's been having nightmares for weeks predicting some disaster was about to happen. Only she thought it was going to happen to her, not David.

David hears something as the London Bridge music plays, and he calls for Sarah. He leans on the coffin, crying.

Joe says he spotted something moving. They come across Willie. They ask what he's doing, and Willie says he's gathering firewood. He asks what they're doing, and they explain they're looking for David. Joe suggests David might be at the old house. Willie says he's not. Joe says they should take a look, and Willie says they can't.

David talks out loud, saying that Barnabas told Willie to open the panel.

Vicki waits alone in the garden. Barnabas watches her from afar, before confronting her. He says she appears distressed, and she explains that David is missing. He asks if there's anything he can do. She says no, and that she needs to stay at the house to wait for him. Barnabas offers to stay with her. She describes David like a little brother. Barnabas tries to convince her that he will be found as she starts to cry. He comforts her, holding her while she cries on his shoulder. Her neck exposed, he bares his fangs...

Our thoughts

John: Why would David cry for someone to let him out after going to great lengths not to be discovered by Barnabas and Willie? Wouldn't he at least wait long enough for them to be gone, in hopes of someone else finding him?

Christine: He didn't want to be caught messing around in the crypt by Barnabas and Willie, but once he realized he was trapped, he didn't care about getting caught, since it's not as bad as spending the night in a cold, dark tomb, and ultimately starving to death. It was funny the way the crypt door popped back open when Willie was pulling the ring to close it.

John: Willie says he's out gathering firewood, and yet no one seems to notice that he's not carrying any.

Christine: Willie's not very adept at crafting stories. That could eventually cause problems for Barnabas.

John: Will Barnabas be able to resist putting the bite on Vicki? I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Christine: Nice treat for folks at home enjoying the Labor Day weekend.

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