Friday, September 21, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 585 - 9/20/68

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Julia and Barnabas return home. He says Adam will be there as soon as it's dark. Julia suggests that they tell Adam the truth. Barnabas grabs a rifle, and says there's only one way to stop Adam. He says he'll kill him as soon as he walks through the front door.

Julia reminds him that killing Adam may cost him his own life, based on what Lang said in his recording. Julia says he can't save Vicki if he dies after killing Adam, because there's still Adam's co-conspirator, likely Nicholas Blair. Barnabas sends Julia to Collinwood to take Vicki away. He says he'll stay to deal with Adam.

Julia opens the door, and Adam is standing outside. He asks her where she's going. Barnabas says she's going to get Maggie Evans. Adam asks if she'll provide the life force, and Barnabas says they can start as soon as she gets there. Adam suspects that they're lying to him, and offers to escort Julia.

Barnabas tells him that would be too dangerous, and Adam calls him a liar.

Julia tells Adam what Willie has done with Maggie. Barnabas tells her she's wasting her time. Adam doesn't believe them, and says he's going to do what he has to do. He says no one can stop him, and Barnabas pulls the gun on him. He tells Julia to go while he keeps Adam at bay. Adam says he will find Vicki no matter where she goes.

Barnabas tells him to sit down, and he grabs the gun from him. He then knocks Barnabas out, and runs to catch Julia before she gets to Vicki.

Julia makes her way through the woods, with Adam close behind her.

Barnabas comes to, and realizes Adam has gone after Julia.

Adam grabs Julia in the woods. She screams as he puts his hand over her mouth.

Vicki is reading a book when there's a knock on her bedroom door. She lets Roger in, and he mentions that Carolyn said she wants to take a leave of absence. She indicates that it's because of Jeff, and she needs to get away for a few days. She says that she thinks David will be fine, and he says that it's Liz that he's concerned about. He asks Vicki to reconsider. She tells him that she'll stay. He leaves her to go to bed. Adam is outside her bedroom window.

Barnabas finds Julia unconscious in the woods. She says she thought Adam was going to strangle her. She says he's go to go to Collinwood, as Adam is on his way. He leaves her on the forest floor.

Adam opens the window to Vicki's room and sneaks in. He locks her bedroom door and prowls around her room.

Barnabas arrives at Collinwood and begins looking for Vicki. After checking downstairs, he heads upstairs.

Adam stands over Vicki. He considers that he doesn't hate Vicki, but she is the only way he can get back at Barnabas. There's a pounding on her door, and Barnabas calls to her. Before she can respond, Adam grabs her and covers her mouth so she can't scream.

Our thoughts

John: I was impressed that Barnabas knew how to operate the bolt on the rifle. Of course, I lost all respect when I saw how he dropped the ball when confronting Adam with it.

Christine: What would you expect him to do after Julia reminded him of his connection with Adam, and warned him that shooting him may cause him to be harmed as well?

John: So Julia is finally convinced that Blair is the one coaching Adam. If that were true, why wouldn't they head over to his house? Instead, we get more of Barnabas whining that there's nothing they can do...

Christine: He's only human. I'm sure they realize that Blair is more powerful than Angelique, which is terrifying considering all the damage she caused.

John: Quite impressive to see Adam lurking outside Vicki's window on the second story of Collinwood, as if he were just standing in the garden.

Christine: Wow! He's taller than I thought! Roger makes a guest appearance today so we won't think that he and Liz moved out of the house. Perhaps David will also appear soon, since he's been mentioned quite a few times lately.


Paul Haney said...

My memory may be fuzzy, but just how do they know that Blair has mysterious powers? As far as I remember, they really know nothing of his powers or his current situation with regards to Angelique. They only suspect that he's the one that put Adam up to all of this, right?

Christine said...

When Barnabas met Blair in Episode 522, Blair told him he was from Martinique, and asked if he'd been there, alluding to Barnabas' past history with Angelique. Later, Barnabas tells Julia that Angelique has no blood brother, which led me to believe that they assumed he's her coven brother. They have no concrete evidence that he is a warlock, and though they suspect him, they have not seen him using his powers firsthand. It's just a narrative I've created in an attempt to fill the plot hole John has exposed by his questioning. ;)