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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Dark Shadows Episode 537 - 7/16/68

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Willie and Julia stand over the newly covered grave of Barnabas. Julia says she can't imagine living without him, and Willie says the same is true for him. He asks her what they are going to tell everyone at the big house. She says he can tell them he's gone away. He says she's going to have to tell them at Collinwood, and she says they must keep his secret. Willie says he's going to get out of town before people start asking questions. Julia tells him they'll both leave tonight, as there's no reason for them to stay. She says he will come with her. He says he won't go back to Windcliff, and she clarifies he could get a job there. Willie asks why she would offer him that, and she says because Barnabas would want her to. She tells him to go to the old house and pack. Willie asks about Barnabas' clothes, and she suggests he pack those, too.

Maggie flips through a book when there's a knock at the door. It's Willie. She asks what he wants, and he tells her he was just thinking about her.

He tells her he's getting a job outside of Collinsport. She says Barnabas would miss him. He says he hates to leave, but only for one reason. She asks if he had a fight with Barnabas. He says he has to make something of himself. He tells her that she'll be hearing from him. And seeing him sometimes. She asks him what happened, and he tells her Barnabas has gone away on a long trip. She asks where he went, and he says he doesn't know. He starts to cry.

He then tells her Barnabas is dead. She asks how, and he tells her that he can't say, and she has to keep a secret. She asks if Adam murdered him, and Willie says that he had the dream and he died. She says there has to be an autopsy. He says Julia checked him. Willie gets excited and tells her she can't say anything or it will ruin everything for him. He asks her to promise him. She promises not to say anything until after he's left.

Julia returns to Collinwood and Cassandra says she was wondering about her. Julia says she was wondering about Barnabas, and then adds that she has finally won. She says she expects her to admit nothing to her. She says she's surprised Cassandra hasn't asked her how Barnabas is. Cassandra says she thinks Julia is in love with Barnabas, and Julia says not nearly as much as she is. She tells her Barnabas is dead. She adds that she knows what Cassandra is, and nothing will stop her from doing whatever she can about it.

There's a knock at the door, and Cassandra lets in Professor Stokes. He tells Julia he has a friend who has taken ill, and he needs her. Cassandra goes upstairs, and Stokes tells Julia that Adam may be dead, and she must come to look at him.

Julia listens for a heartbeat, and confirms Adam is dead. Stokes says Carolyn found Adam clutching his neck, growing weaker and weaker as he cried out Barnabas' name. She asks him what time it happened, and he tells her around 11, and asks her why that matters. Adam starts to breathe, and Stokes declares it a miracle. Adam makes motions like he is trapped somewhere, suffocating. Stokes says she must help him. Julia says it may be that Barnabas has been buried alive. 

Our thoughts

John: Funny that Willie can only remember the good times working for Barnabas. He must have forgotten all the threats and beatings to be crying in Barnabas' absence. Still, I can't believe he told Maggie the truth about Barnabas.

Christine: Yeah, that was pretty dumb of him to go shooting his mouth off to the girl he's stalking. It was pretty creepy seeing him watching her through the window of the cottage with a silly grin on his face. I guess Julia has also forgotten about how he coerced her into helping him kill Dave Woodard.

John: So Julia's true feelings are finally on the table. Wonder how this will play out, both between she and Cassandra, as well as between she and Barnabas.

Christine: Where have you been? Julia's feelings have been on the table, the wall, the floor...pretty much everywhere for a long time. I loved her comeback when Cassandra accused her of being in love with Barnabas.

John: Well, the good news is Barnabas isn't dead. Or, he is dead, but undead. The important thing is we'll surely be seeing him again, soon.

Christine: If he's suffocating, then he's not undead, and it's possible that the Adam protection that Lang described is in effect, though apparently needed to be rebooted.

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